Analisa 20th December 2018

Hi Nanny, These past few years have been very difficult they say it gets easier... but it really doesn’t! So much has happened and I just want to go back in time to the days we used to walk on the beach and go rock pooling, getting cockles and cooking them after being at the beach, going to the dollshouse shop buying new furniture for my dollshouse. I miss your laugh, your smile,the days we had together when you weren’t well and when you were well. The days we used to get out all of the photo albums and sit together looking at memories of everyone when they were kids. Today there was a lady in a wheelchair and my goodness she reminded me of you. When I looked at her at first I saw your face and all I wanted was to cry... I saw her on my way out and my way back. I know you’re looking over me and looking after me and boy I’m scared to get older and grow up and deal with more deaths in life. But it’s life, you live, you loose and you grow. I’m sorry I never saw you very much when you were ill I couldn’t bare it... I really couldn’t but mum always said to me you understand... I love you nunnie❤️