Kelly 7th September 2019

Hi mum, I saw Bill Bryson last night! I was doing a talk/performance in Sydney about his new book. Can’t believe I saw him, so surreal after reading his books for so many years. He seemed older and a bit bumbly but was still great. He talked about what a great life he has had. It made me sad though, thinking of you buying me his books whenever you saw them. I had a few doublers of copies because you got me the same book twice haha and I didn’t ever appreciate the thought at the time. In fact I think I was ungrateful, not appreciative that you were thinking of me and spending the little money you had on things for me. Why the hell i thought like that I have no idea. I wish I’d appreciated you, and told you as much. I know that was your way of showing love now but I didn’t see it then. It’s also sad that he got to lead such a wonderful happy life and you didn’t get the chance, the cards were always stacked against you. It’s too late and I so wish I’d open my eyes years ago and been more aware but I see you now, i appreciate you and I love you xxxx