Kelly 5th November 2020

Hi mum, I’m sorry I don’t write much but you are always in my thoughts. Felt like I should write to you as this has been a tough week and I would really love a hug from you and your unconditional love right about now. Since you died the world has spiralled into deeper and deeper turmoil mum. I’m glad you missed it in some ways but would be good to be able to support each other. I wonder what you would make of all this mum and I hope you’d lean to the same side as me, but either way this tumultuous time has just reminded me more of how much I miss you and how lonely I feel without you. I miss you so much mum. You’re in my dreams often but they are sometimes very strange! You had hand tattoos last night!! Anyway, I love you so much and I miss you so much and I’m still struggling to fill the void you left. Night night mama xx